Title Design Research: Sci-Fi: Splice
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?
There are a total of 24 titles displayed during the opening sequences to splice, counting each individual acting credit and the individual credits attributed to various creative directors and costume designers. The first credit is the production credit, followed by the name of the individual who owns the movie (in this case, a Vincenzo Natali Film), then the names of various actors. This is followed by the credits for the casting directors, makeup and creature effect creators, followed by several ambiguous names who may be minor actor. After these names comes the credits for visual effect creators and supervisors, costume designers, sound mixers, who created the music, the editor, the production designer and supervisor of photography, numerous executive producers, the actual producer, the writers, and finally, the film title.
What connotations do the images carry?
The images are reminiscent of microbiology and biological life. The images are dark and constricted, though clearly inside a biological body, and are constantly filled with an unidentified swirling substance which helps the viewer picture the inside of a body or vascular system. The body is represented through various types of skin being shown.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The more scientific elements of the movie are primarily shown through the splicing exemplified in the film’s opening sequence. There are various types of skin which are shown to be sealed together through some unknown technology, giving the viewer the impression that the world is technologically advanced enough to splice inter-species genes. The skin types shown are primarily human and reptilian.
What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The opening sequences are not overtly horrifying or violent, ensuring that the younger side of the target demographic (13 years and older) is not frightened unduly by the film, but just enough to be curious about and engaged in said film. It also openly showcases the technological leaps which will be made in the film, ensuring that sci-fi fans will not be driven away by its otherwise thriller-esque opening.
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